Happy New Year! And…thank you!

Happy New Year to all of you! And the well-known "good health" takes a specific meaning this year. It is clear that the first wish that is expressed is to get out of this strange period: soon the first anniversary of the confinement...

The most optimistic are planning to celebrate during the spring. The most pessimistic are waiting for 2024. And some see in this pandemic a divine punishment....

As far as I am concerned, I would like to underline the beauty of Humans, in their reactions in front of this new situation. Indeed, I do not forget the speed of adaptation of the Akeance teams as well as those of the clients, last March. I do not forget those clients who have maintained their confidence in the firm, by continuing all the missions in progress, without exception. I do not forget the large group that decided to pay the partners' invoices upon receipt. I do not forget the readjustments of the autumn where the rule of teleworking is often arranged both by our teams and customers, to take into account the common sense of the need for face-to-face meetings. I do not forget those new clients who decide to entrust us with their first mission through screens. I do not forget our teams who have positively managed between sometimes faulty videoconference networks, cancelled trains, and disrupted personal lives.

To all those who contribute to these new human relationships, I want to say thank you! Thank you for these positive energies! Thank you for this desire for tomorrow! Thank you for having dominated the fears and anxieties of each other! Thank you for having closed your eyes to the new imperfections! Thank you for having kept the taste of life!

Happy New Year to all!
